Tag Archives: layers

Scary DIY haircut works magic!

18 Mar


Three weeks ago, I stumbled upon a tutorial by Diary of a Mad Crafter about cutting your own hair; an easy five-minutes layers cut. UN-BELIEVABLE.

I used to work at a hair salon and have my hair cut all the time (btw I am by no means a hairdresser!). Since I’ve stopped working there, I have decided to grow my hair out. As Catherine made me notice yesterday, it is quite long now, longer than it has been over the past ten years. But as I’VE noticed, it is also very damaged. And very blah. And in desperate need of layers!

This morning, TADA – the sun was shining, I had the day to myself and I needed nothing more to have the guts to try this very scary DIY!



The steps are quite easy to follow. I started by quickly straightening my hair. Although it is not necessary, I felt it would be easier for what was to come.

First, you brush your hair until it is completely untangled. Then, with your head upside down, you tie your hair into a ponytail. The placement of the ponytail will decide the length of the layers. If you want to start slowly, tie it at the top-back of your head. The more forward you put your ponytail, the shorter the layers will be.

I actually started at the back, but did it again with the ponytail right on top of my head because I felt like the layers were too long.

You then bring the end of your ponytail in front of your face, brushing it to straighten every hair.

Then -OMG- you just cut straight across.

Here’s a peak at what it looked like BEFORE:

Bulky, dry – don’t even want to look at it anymore…

ponybefore copy


I really love the outcome! The main thing is really how healthy my hair feels now (I needed a cut so bad!) It looks a lot lighter too. I can’t wait to wash my hair as I’m sure this cut will enhance those natural curls!


What do you think? Should I go with shorther layers next time?

Do you have the guts? :P