Tag Archives: wood

To DIY in the woods

15 Feb


I am spending the week at my in-laws little cabin in the woods. So far, the weather has been great. There is plenty of wine and lots of snow and we’ve been spending most of our time playing Catane (definitely the best board game in the world) over and over again by the fire, while on the lookout for that fox that somehow always comes by unseen. Grrr!

What’s great about being in the woods is that there’s a lot of wood laying around. My sister in law and I started on a couple of projects involving logs and branches, including a very natural looking jewellery organizer. We found a log so nice looking that we had to find a project just for it. The best part is that it was unbelievably easy to do!


We started by cleaning the log with a small metal brush to remove any dirt or loose wood particules. Then, we put two layers of indoor/outdoor vernish, wich really made the color of the wood pop!

Once our log was protected and sealed, we chose the hooks we were going to add as well as their disposition on the log.


Once we settled on a pattern, we simply screwed the hooks in, using a hammer to start with.


And Voilà! Isn’t it beautiful?



I absolutely love it! As I’m writing these words, my sister in law is creating some earrings to garnish it a little bit more. Oh, crafty vacation you are so fun! The sound of the fire burning and the perspective of more DIY makes me so happy!

I will be sharing another little project with you soon! Stay tuned!