Tag Archives: style

Can I wear this for the rest of my life?

12 Apr



This is obviously not a serious question, although I must confess it came out of my mouth last week, after I bought this oh-so-cute sweatshirt by Only.


Prior to this experience in the sweatshirt department, never had I met such a high level of comfort and casual cuteness! Although I’m not usually the crewneck type, I think I’m actually in love with sweatshirts!

Besides, it’s still pretty cold out here in Montreal. In fact, IT’S SNOWING TODAY (can you freaking believe this?) So that’s it. I’m giving up on spring for the time being and I swear I’m gonna wear sweatshirts until it’s like 30’C. Minimum.

BUT… I’m gonna look awesome!

There are so many ways to look stylish and put together.


I’m sooo digging this “I’m a Jurassic Park paleontologist” kinda look:


Peter Pan Studded Necklace DIY

1 Mar


The idea occured to me while shopping with my sister at the mall, looking at all those pretty Peter Pan collars. I had bought a bunch of studs on Ebay a while ago and never settled on any project to put them to use.

Now is the time for an easy/pretty/studs DIY!

Let me take you through the steps!

If you decide to attempt this DIY, please make sure that it is done only under strict cat supervision.


First, I cut out two symetrical shapes out of back felt. Hold them around your neck in front of the mirror and make adjustements to the size or shape.

Then, use a pencil (I used a lip liner) to mark the spots, on the back of your shape, where your want your studs to be.

I didn’t have the right tools to put the studs in, so I just used a pin to poke holes through the felt and enlarged the holes whit a pointy exacto knife. I Put both parts of the studs in place and finished it hammer style

Use a paper punch to add holes to each piece of the collar and tie pretty ribbons.

Here is the final look. Tell me how you like it!


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