Tag Archives: Living Room

The Deer in my Living Room

29 Jan

Remember that art Chloé helped *cough* me with?

It has now a special place in my living room, right above the couch.

Just look at that baby.

Salon 2

After we painted the silhouette, we added lace inside the black area. The lace brings texture to the art and really completes the look I was  going for.


Since I haven’t posted about my appartment in a while, I thought I would do a quick wrap-up of the changes that took place  since this last post.

  • I am now the owner of a real couch, not a sad little loveseat that had to be hidden under a bedspread. That is quite the improvement.
  • HelloOo Pottery Barn cushions found while thrifting. $3 cushions make me happy.
  • My Kijiji surprise of 2012: a set of industrial dining chairs. These babies had me wake up early on a Saturday morning and drive all the way downtown in a major snow storm. (Oh I love you so, my darlings)
  • Another DIY turned an ugly faux-leather ottoman that had been distroyed by Henri and Lola (MEAN KITTIES!!) into a sleek mid-century inspired beauty. This project was quite an easy one – but it did take a lot of time.

overall salon

Sadly, I truly doubt that Henri and Lola will save this new reupholstery from destruction. I believe I might have to splurge sooner than later on a mid-century teak coffee table… Sometimes, a girl gotta do what she gotta do! HA!

Oh Deer!

22 Jan

I’m always full of ideas for great DIY projects. I however am not the most talented for drawing/painting. Lucky me, my sister is seriously gifted for all things art-related.

I was in serious need of wall-art for my ever evolving living room.

I knew exactly what I wanted: I giant deer silhouette, with lace details.

I begged and implored (almost blackmailed) Chloe to help me with this task (not to say to do it for me). It wasn’t easy but I finaly convinced her.

Before I show you the finished oeuvre d’art, here is a Gif of Chloe at work.

Chloé in action

Chloé in action

Don’t tell me I am the only one who can not freehandedly paint a giant deer head silhouette…