Tag Archives: gift

Easter Egg meets Fortune Cookie

25 Mar

fortune easter eggs

I am so happy to share this DIY with you guys since Catherine and I had so much fun doing it. It was heartbreaking cracking one to take pictures but hey, that’s what they’re  made for! These fortune easter eggs are a fun handmade gift  you can give to absolutely anyone.

It was my first time cleaning out eggs, therefore I used this great step by step tutorial and it was easier than I thought it would be! Didn’t even break one!

I used a pin the poke holes in the eggshell and a toothpick to pierce the yolk. Then I just blew out the contents, cleaned them under running water and put them 20 seconds in the microwave. It dries and hardens the eggshells.


We then proceeded to painting the eggs with acrylic paint. After making a complete mess, we finally figured it was way easier to insert a wooden skewer all the way through the egg. This way, we could paint 360′! Yay!

And Voilà!


The next step is finding some witty easter-themed messages to put inside you eggs. Here’s what we came up with!


The only thing to do next is to roll those really thight and insert them inside the eggs! There you go, your fortune easter eggs are ready to hatch!

You could even use these to plan an easter egg hunt, inserting clues instead of furtune messages!

Happy easter crafts!

Last minute Valentine DIY

16 Feb

I know I’m a wee bit late for Valentine DIYs… I just wanted to share with you a last minute idea I had on Wednesday.

M and I both share the taste for good whisky and I new I wanted to surprise him with a nice bottle for us to share (not all that one night people, just a sip…).

And, since I am a special-glass-for-every-drink kinda girl, I just had to get some new glasses. And personnalize them. Yep.

Valentines Day Surprise

I googled a bit to see if Sharpie would stick to clear glass as well as on porcelain. It won’t. Boooohoo. So I turned to my favorite craftstore for a solution.

I picked up Vitrail Outliner. I knew it would create an embossed look and would look cool. The only hic was that it takes 24 hours to dry and then needs to be cooked for 40 minutes. It was Wednesday night. We had dinner Thursday. Pas le temps de niaiser!

Customize glassware with Vitrail Outliner

This was quite simple. I drew one tiny moustache on each glass using the tube and cleaned off the edges with the paintbrush. Then, I went to bed. (Told you it was easy…)

Moustaches Whisky glasses

The next day, I hurried home to pop these cuties  in the oven for 40 minutes. They had time to cool down before we finished our meal. Grrrreat timing!

M was quite surprised by both the whisky and the glasses. The tiny moustaches cracked him up. Hourra!

And I have washed the glasses twice since then and it’s holding on perfectly!

I promise that my next DIY will not involve dishware! PROMISED|

Dustless Records in a Dusty Place

31 Jan

A friend from work heard that I had received a turntable for Christmas. She mentionned in a conversation a few weeks ago: You should come over some time. I have some vinyls in a corner of my basement that no one uses and that we were looking to get rid of.

She never did tell me that she had hundreds of them.

So to the South Shore I went, with hopes of coming back home with maybe a dozen of good records.

And home I came back to with over a hundred of good records.



A little bit of all times classics, a little bit of country, a little bit of rock…


A little bit of funny ones, because aren’t they just the BEST! Gotta love french records from the 80’s.


LEFT: Celine’s first pop album. Deliciously kitsch. 

RIGHT: Translation from French – As advertised on TV: Prelude to Love – Almost an hour of erotic music (Innnnnterresting…)

They are such in good condition. All of them have their inside pocket and are dustless. I am quite thrilled with this gift.

Needless to say that my turntable has been playing non-stop since…


Thank you Annie!! 

I just called/to say/I loooove you!

20 Jan

Valentine’s day will soon be here! OMG OMG!

Welll, not that soon, alright, but it’s less than a month away and it’s a good reason to give it a thought, especially if you’re the “online shopper type” like myself.

I stumbled upon an Etsy shop called Little Canoe. Brooke Weeber is an artist from Portland, and she sells the most delightful valentine’s day cards.

You float my boat, dear.


I Think I’m gonna get this one! It’s so pretty! And besides, who does’nt love narwhals?