Tag Archives: easter

Easter Project: Cake Pops!

29 Mar

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Here it is, our last easter project: Chick & bunny cake pops!

I was thrilled to use my cake pop machine for the very first time! I used a regular vanilla cake recipe (with butter, not oil) and simply substracted a little bit of milk to make sure the batter was quite thick. See the results… Beauuutiful! The best part was how amazingly round and perfect those little balls of cake were! They were already cute as is… BUT, they would eventually be even cuter with pretty bunny ears and bow ties! ^^


We used candy melts to secure the lollipop sticks in the cakes. Candy melts are easy-to-melt wafers, ideal for dipping cake pops. They come in a variety of colors and taste like very sweet white chocolate!  Make sure not to overheat yours like I did, because it will be unusable. Your chicks will end up looking like zombie heads. And I’m not joking- that thing was creepy.

Lucky me I had some more wafers at hand! Ha!

Using an empty egg carton to hold them straight proved to be a very efficient method! Off to the freezer for 5 min. and they were ready to take a dip!


And because making bunny and chick cake pops wasn’t nearly enough, we decided to make a CRAZY CUTE garden display as well!

With a block of oasis foam, hot glue, coffee sticks, green paper, easter eggs from the dollar store and a little bit of patience, it’s amazing what you can do!


While Catherine worked on the garden, I worked on the bunny ears. All there was left to do was assemble it all… and take a bite! Or two!

Isn’t this a good-looking chick or what? Awww!



Happy Easter everyone!

Easter Egg meets Fortune Cookie

25 Mar

fortune easter eggs

I am so happy to share this DIY with you guys since Catherine and I had so much fun doing it. It was heartbreaking cracking one to take pictures but hey, that’s what they’re  made for! These fortune easter eggs are a fun handmade gift  you can give to absolutely anyone.

It was my first time cleaning out eggs, therefore I used this great step by step tutorial and it was easier than I thought it would be! Didn’t even break one!

I used a pin the poke holes in the eggshell and a toothpick to pierce the yolk. Then I just blew out the contents, cleaned them under running water and put them 20 seconds in the microwave. It dries and hardens the eggshells.


We then proceeded to painting the eggs with acrylic paint. After making a complete mess, we finally figured it was way easier to insert a wooden skewer all the way through the egg. This way, we could paint 360′! Yay!

And Voilà!


The next step is finding some witty easter-themed messages to put inside you eggs. Here’s what we came up with!


The only thing to do next is to roll those really thight and insert them inside the eggs! There you go, your fortune easter eggs are ready to hatch!

You could even use these to plan an easter egg hunt, inserting clues instead of furtune messages!

Happy easter crafts!