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Crazy Cat Lady: All Dressed-Up in Cat Prints

7 Feb

It’s no secret that I am a crazy cat lady.

I do talk with Henri and Lola daily in a really high-pitched voice.

I have to stop to try and pet every cat when I’m walking outside. (Ok, and I do talk to cats in the alley…)

I just can’t help screaming CHAAAAAAT! whenever I see a cat somewhere.

Some might say it’s annoying. I say it’s charming!

With prints trending in fashion lately, one could be tempted to add cat prints to all of her outfits.

Cat design leggings – I could so rock these!

cat cardi

Cutie Cute Cat Cardi

Cat dress

Cat dress. Perfect for a date… (Crazy cat ladies do get dates, right?)

Subtle Cat Print Shirt

So, exactly how much cat print in a wardrobe is too much cat print? Or is there only the one item per outfit rule that applies?

And what IF I had cat tattoos? Would that be over the top? Meh. Temporary cat tattoos then?

Temporary cat tattoos – This is totally rad!!

 I think I might just have to get these. They crack me up so much!

Hope you’re all having a pleasant day! Thank you for visiting!

At Home on a Saturday

2 Feb

Hello everyone!

Hope you’re having a great week-end so far.

It’s still cold and snowy around here so I thought I’d just enjoy a lazy Saturday at home, drinking hot tea in my pjs and listening to old records of Elton John.


I’ve been kind of stuck on Bennie and the Jets for the last few days. It just won’t get out of my head and I keep shouting BENNIE! every once in a while. I know, I can be scary at times…

Just so you can sing it too:

Oh, and Henri says hi!


I am getting ready for a nice dinner with a friend tonight. Crepes and cider. Mmmmmmm….

What are you up to this weekend?

The Cat in the Hat

28 Jan

Ever wondered what your cat would look like with braids? No? Well maybe you’ve wondered how he’d look if he was a boat captain? Now you can know!

Just look at these awesome cat accessories!! Alright, it is a bit much, but c’mon… tell me these ain’t fun!  Ahh, the things you can find on Etsy!

carbraids catcaptain

Source: To Scarborough Fair on Etsy

If you’re currently out of sassy-pet-accessories-budget, don’t worry, you can still play dressup! Have you heard of that cat in bread thing? I discovered it also works with pita…. and also waffle.





Alright, alright… pfff!

Love Story

6 Mar

This was a life-changing moment. No joke.

My first love affair (with lampshades…).

There they were, sitting on a shelf, waiting for me. All orangy, and flowery, and bird-printy…(!).

They were perfect! They were two! And I was instantly in love.

I knew right away that they would be perfect for my living room, which was in serious need of an upgrade. The only problem was I had nowhere to place them. And furthermost, they most definitely would not get along with my old cushions, nor my old coffee table, nor…

Oh well.

This marks the beginning of a revolution.

I wish I would have had the idea to take before pictures, but I was too busy going cray-zay.

Anywho – Here is the final result: 


Still not magazine worthy, but definitely deserves a round of applause for its remarkable improvement.

I love this Garden Party look. Happy, luminous, cozy. Even if he would never confess to it, Henri is quite pleased with his new decor.

Henri, King of the Living Room
