At Home on a Saturday

2 Feb

Hello everyone!

Hope you’re having a great week-end so far.

It’s still cold and snowy around here so I thought I’d just enjoy a lazy Saturday at home, drinking hot tea in my pjs and listening to old records of Elton John.


I’ve been kind of stuck on Bennie and the Jets for the last few days. It just won’t get out of my head and I keep shouting BENNIE! every once in a while. I know, I can be scary at times…

Just so you can sing it too:

Oh, and Henri says hi!


I am getting ready for a nice dinner with a friend tonight. Crepes and cider. Mmmmmmm….

What are you up to this weekend?

One Response to “At Home on a Saturday”

  1. Ting February 3, 2013 at 06:13 #

    Lovely blog!

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