Love Story

6 Mar

This was a life-changing moment. No joke.

My first love affair (with lampshades…).

There they were, sitting on a shelf, waiting for me. All orangy, and flowery, and bird-printy…(!).

They were perfect! They were two! And I was instantly in love.

I knew right away that they would be perfect for my living room, which was in serious need of an upgrade. The only problem was I had nowhere to place them. And furthermost, they most definitely would not get along with my old cushions, nor my old coffee table, nor…

Oh well.

This marks the beginning of a revolution.

I wish I would have had the idea to take before pictures, but I was too busy going cray-zay.

Anywho – Here is the final result: 


Still not magazine worthy, but definitely deserves a round of applause for its remarkable improvement.

I love this Garden Party look. Happy, luminous, cozy. Even if he would never confess to it, Henri is quite pleased with his new decor.

Henri, King of the Living Room


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